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Restaurant MR re-opens with tighter concept centred around fish.
The quality and level of cousine is high. Yet not quite as refined as it was at in the heydays. The quality and style still can be compared to the level presented at Noma's opening night. At which incidentally Mads Refslund also cooked.

I suspect MR quickly and surely will climb to the original level and surpass it.

More on this will come as I intend to follow MR closely.
We had the tasting menu of 7 dishes and 2 amuse bouche. The second of these i managed to capture a photo of.

The pictures are rather abysmal since i took them with my camera phone and i appologise to you and the kitchen. All the dishes where presented far better than these photos show.

First amuse:
Oyster in baby lettuce with graded macadamia nut.

Second amuse:
Cold green pea soup, with cherry and liquorice.

First dish:
Raw mackerel fish wrapped in green strawberries served with a few drops of coconut cream.

Second dish:
Scallop with almonds arranged in cheese soup.

Third dish:
Asparagus with hollandaise, vinaigrette and elderberry flowers.

Fourth dish:
Grilled langoustine wrapped in paper thin slice of smoked lard. Served with sweet onions. Sprinkled with dill oil.

Fifth dish:
Seabass with grilled cucumber and cucumber saplings.

Sixth dish:
Carrots with foam ice.

Seventh dish:
Rhubarb wrapped around yoghurt dashed with molasses.

More information on this dining experience as I get the time to post again.


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